Trezor Bridge ---

Trezor Bridge serves as a vital link between Trezor hardware wallets and software applications, facilitating seamless communication and enhancing security measures. It …

When properly installed, you will see the trezord process running in the background on your system:

  • Windows: in Task Manager, search for trezord

  • MacOS: in Activity Monitor, search for trezord

  • Linux: in System Monitor, search for trezord-go

You can upgrade to the latest version of Trezor Bridge directly from the Trezor website by clicking on "Download latest Bridge". Alternatively, you can check the Github repository for the latest version.

To check the status of your Trezor Bridge installation, visit the Trezor Bridge status page.

Why is Trezor Bridge Needed?

Trezor Bridge is needed for a few key reasons:

  1. It enables communication between the Trezor device and supported browsers that do not have native WebUSB support, such as Firefox.

  2. It allows the Trezor Suite web application to automatically detect your Trezor device without having to manually click the "Find Trezor" button and go through the browser popup.

  3. It is required for using Trezor with browser extensions that cannot utilize WebUSB.

For normal usage with Chrome, Trezor Bridge is not strictly necessary due to WebUSB support. However, it is still recommended to have it installed for a more seamless experience.

Trezor Bridge Limitations

One important limitation to be aware of is that Trezor Bridge imposes a 50 character limit on passphrases. This is a device limitation, not a Trezor Suite limitation.

If you have been using a longer passphrase with Trezor Suite without issues, it is likely that Suite is silently truncating your passphrase to 50 characters. To avoid any issues, ensure your passphrase is 50 characters or less when using Trezor Bridge.

Installation and Setup

To install Trezor Bridge, simply download the appropriate version for your operating system from the Trezor website. Once downloaded, plug in your Trezor device using the USB-C cable and the Trezor Wallet will prompt you to install the current firmware.

Follow the on-screen instructions to set up a new wallet or restore from a recovery backup. Be sure to carefully write down your recovery seed words exactly as they appear on the device screen. It's recommended to divide the words into two sets of six and make multiple copies for added security.

Next, choose a secure PIN code of at least 6 digits to protect your device. Finally, name your Trezor device and you're ready to start using it with supported wallets and services.

In summary, Trezor Bridge is an essential component for securely using your Trezor hardware wallet with various browsers and applications. By understanding its purpose and limitations, you can ensure a smooth and secure cryptocurrency management experience.

Last updated